Looks like I’m getting behind on our adventures. No more delaying, on with the show!
On the 28th of May we made our way to the rec park in Cadyville. I was happy to find out that not only did this park have geocaches but it also has a disc golf course. Colette and I played disc golf in Ohio before we moved and we’re really looking forward to playing again.
DamnVanns 12th
Our first stop of the morning was at a cache aptly named Trail Side. It was a nice size container that was placed on an incline between two trails. With Zaiden on my back I was unable to get to the GZ but Zoey and my mother got there with no problem. It was a nice size container and as usual Zoey really enjoyed looking at all the treasure.
Forbidden Forest
On the opposite side of the park we continued our geocaching hunt. The woods were very well travelled and there are a ton of trails. As a result we had some trouble getting to where we needed to be. Unfortunately Forbidden Forest seems to be missing or wasn’t put back properly because we couldn’t find it. I saw a picture of the cache itself later and there was no way we missed a container that size.
Trail Side
Oddly enough the hiding spot for this cache was blatantly obvious. Either the muggles in this park are very forgiving or people only look at what is in front of them. The hiding spot is only about 15 feet off several trails and hidden in a very suspicious manner. Regardless it was a lot of fun to find. At this time Zoey decided that she was going to have a drama-filled day which would ultimately lead to cutting our day short.
Cadyville Park #2
Last find of the day was a good ways into the massive network of trails. As I mentioned before Zoey decided to be dramatic and cried our entire walk. This cache was another traditional hide in one of my favorite hiding spots. We grabbed it quickly and hurried our way back to the car to attempt to quell Zoey.